Mareka Naito Web
Just a Hunch
Mareka Naito, Junji Shirota & Alec Brown
'Just a Hunch' Mareka Naito, Junji Shirota & Alec Brown
1 Farewell to Trion
2 Crabs in The Skillet / The Cock and the Hen
3 The Night in That Land
4 Sandy Boys
5 Maple Tree
6 Greenfields of Glentown / Jerusalem Ridge
7 Margaret / Amelia’s
8 Joe Coleman’s March
9 Leaving Brittany / Horizonto
10 Tribute to Peadar O’Donnell
11 Planxty Dermot Grogan / Big Country / Johnson Boy
(P)2019 10strings records/MNJS-0007/STEREO ¥2,500
Mareka Naito Fiddle, Concertina, Harp,
Junji Shirota Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin, Octave Mandolin
Alec Brown Cello
How to Order
*Listening to the Outside World も同時にお申し込みいただけます。
You can order the CD 'Listening to the Outside World ' too.
If you live outside Japan, please fill out the form.
Alec Brown is a cellist from Pine Bluff, Arkansas. After finding a passion for Irish traditional music he moved to Limerick, Ireland and completed a Master's in traditional music at the Irish world academy. He has now completed a Ph.D. focusing on expanding the role of the cello in traditional music which had led him to pursue a multitude of musical endeavours around the world and given him the opportunity to perform with many extraordinary musicians and performers.
Started playing the classical violin at the age of 3. She won numerous competitions in her school days in Japan and Europe. She first discovered Irish traditional music in 2007 and began her journey of learning to play the Irish fiddle. In the middle of this journey she also found the time to attend university to study medicine in Yokohama & graduated with a doctors license in 2014. Mareka is also proficient in the harp and concertina.
Junji has been performing professionally since 1973 having first specialized in Bluegrass music in Japan, fusing elements of Japanese & Bluegrass music along the way. His group released over 35 albums on the Toshiba EMI label. He moved to the United States in 1986 and discovered Irish traditional music there. He became a key member of the Irish music scene in San Francisco. He has been touring and recording with a host of international Irish traditional musicians up to this day.
4歳からピアノ、14歳でギター・5弦バンジョーを始める。1971年, 高石ともやとの出会いから、ザ・ナターシャー・セブンを結成。5弦バンジョーの日本での先駆者として活躍。1986年 渡米。1991年 サンフランシスコで、本格的にアイリッシュミュージックのキャリアをスタートさせ、以降多くのトップミュージシャンのギタリストを務める。